Well, I've decided to stop working on my Madness movie for now. The other day my dad wanted to know what I had been working so hard on for the last month, so I was forced to show him "Infiltration". My dad can be kind of a moron sometimes. He hated the movie in the first place because of all the random violence, but went on to believe the madness guys looked like penises, and i was unable to convince him otherwise. Christ.
But then I realized, Why am I actually bothering with "Infiltration"? Why? Mainly because I want to get a place in the Madness Day collection so my work will be better known. I wasn't doing it for fun, or even because I enjoyed animating Madness characters (which I do). It was solely to get more publicity. So I thought, "Y'know, screw that. I have a deadline that I doubt I can beat anyway, and there will be so many good submissions on the 22nd, I doubt anyone will even notice, so I might as well give up for now and animate what I enjoy."
So, I continued work on "A Grain of Sand". Which is, btw, turning out awesome. I've upgrade much of the crap art that I created back in May, and I'm ever closer to finishing.
And I will submit the Madness movie, on Madness Day, unfinished. If people like it enough or even notice it, I will probably finish it. So check it out on Madness Day! Look for "Madness: Infiltration" pr something similar. It won't be finished, but your votes and reviews are what will make me complete it! And if it sucks, just say so. Plus, "A Grain of Sand" will probably make the frontpage when it's completed anyway, thanks to my impressive animational (not a word) talent. :P