The Kitty Krew. Well, of course, who doesn't. But what really annoys me is that they're the best-known portal spammers, and the staff still haven't taken any action against them. I don't know why. They spam the portal daily for the hell of it, and people like BigFuzzyKitten haven't even had to create a new account, because the staff hasn't even deleted his account, much less ISP banned him. And that's what should happen.
Dude, it's over, okay? Drop it!
We tried it with Err0r and it didn't work and obviously the staff are extremely busy, even at this minute. So noone is going to listen to ONE persons opinion unless it was backed up by many people.
The-Yokai (Updated )
You're absolutely right. I just wanted to rant. My apologies for sounding stupid.