Very good, only a couple things...
I liked this. It's true, it was very similar to TT3, but TT3 was awesome so there's really nothing wrong with that. Excellent graphics, good music, all that. And I liked the cutscenes that came up from time to time. Very nice.
But the gore was ludicrous and completely unrealistic. Any time you kill someone with a headshot, you have their head flying into pieces in an impossible fashion, seeing as the brain cleanly separates from the skull in one piece. If a bullet was powerful enough to actually tear a head apart (Many of the guns in this game aren't) the brain wouldn't cleanly be severed from the spinal cord and certainly wouldn't proceed to bounce around the floor as though it were made of rubber. I'm hoping I don't sound too over-analytic of the bloody details, but it just seems like a poorly set up excuse to show excess gore. Plus, since the corpses no longer fade out after a time, you're eventually up to your waste in brains and skull fragments. Now, I certainly don't mind a little gore in games, but I find that just a little bit nasty.
And one other thing. More melee weapons. A lead pipe is all well and good, but what it really needs is an axe or a katana--something along those lines. In any game, lots of melee weapons = awesomeness. There, now I sound like a normal gamer again. :P
Otherwise, though, very nicely done.